Monday, December 7, 2009

Lord of the Flies

Lord of the Flies- Blog Response:

Who Should Survive


A severe storm has cripples a small ship, the S.S. Guppy, and the only remaining life boat has room for only 5 people. You have no hope of reaching civilization, but there’s a fairly good chance that you can make it to one of many small, uncharted, and unpopulated islands in the area. You may have to remain on such an island for years. Your task is to choose which 5 people should allowed on the lifeboat, and hence, and allowed to survive. Explain why you have chosen the 5.

My Blog Response

The 5 I believe who should survive are: Mr. Blake, Mary Evans, Bobby, Mrs. Clark, & Dr. Dane. These 5 seem skilled enough to survive on an unpopulated island. I picked Mr. Blake because he has much experience in construction, so he could possibly build every1 a hut to live in. I choose Mr. Dane because he is very good at jogging, so I figured he could scout the island and make a map of it to help everyone find their way around it. I picked Mary cause of her artistic skills, she could make something on the beach to signal air planes and other thing that fly by. I picked bobby cause of his Boy Scout skills. He has been put in simulations like these and should know what to do. I choose Mrs. Clark due to her electronic skills. She could make items to help them survive on the island. She just might be able to make a radio from the items that drift to the island, as well as with the items they find already on the island. I have chosen these 5 based on their skills and what they know. I’m not sure if they will survive but I’m sure that they are the most skilled.

Caesar act 2_JackBrunson

Name_      Jack Brunson______________________


Block __1st _____________


Julius Caesar: Act II Reading and Study Guide


I. VOCABULARY: Be able to define the following words and understand them when they appear in

      the play.


              taper_ __to become smaller or thinner toward one end___


              Tyranny (tr-n) the government or rule, of a tyrant ,or absolute ruler.


              Lest    for fear that; so that (one) should not (used negatively to introduce a clause expressive of an action or occurrence requiring caution


II. LITERARY TERMS: Be able to define each term and apply each term to the play.


              anachronism(-nkr-nzm) something or someone that is not in its correct historical or chronological time, esp. a thing or person that belongs to an earlier time

                            Example: ____ The sword is an anachronism in modern warfare.


`Complication_ something that introduces, usually unexpectedly, some difficulty, problem, change, etc


              Personification the person or thing embodying a quality or the like; an embodiment or incarnation

                            Example: ____ He is the personification of tact.


              Irony: ______ the use of words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning             

                                          Example: __ the irony of her reply, “How nice!” when I said I had to work all weekend.                           


I. dramatic irony: irony that is inherent in speeches or a situation of a drama and is understood by the audience but not grasped by the characters in the play.


                                          Example: ________________________________________________________


II. Situational irony an outcome that turns out to be very different from what was expected, the difference between what is expected to happen and what actually does


III. Verbal irony: a figure of speech in which what is said is the opposite of what is meant


              Aside: away from one's thoughts or consideration


                            Example: to put one's cares aside.


III. Questions: answer the following questions.


Scene 1:

1.  According to Brutus, why is it is necessary that Caesar be killed? 

     so Caesar won’t become a dictator.


2.  What actions does Lucius perform that help the plot unfold?

              He gave Brutus the letter he found.


3.  What is Brutus’s internal conflict? 

              He is unsure about killing Caesar.


4.  Why does Brutus disagree about taking an oath? 

              he is sure some one will break the oath.


5.  Why does Metellus think it would be a good idea to ask Cicero to join the conspiracy? 

              He thinks that Cicero will be able to get them men who will do as they say.


6.  Why does Brutus say they should not ask Cicero to join the conspiracy? 

              He say Cicero wont listen to them nor will he agree with it.


7.  What does Brutus say about killing Marc Antony? 

              He will be killed along with Caesar.


8.  What reason does Cassius give for why Caesar might not come out of his house today?

              He say Caesar is superstitious so he may not come out of his home.


9.  By what method does Decius say he will use to get Caesar out of the house? 

              He says he can lure Caesar out with jokes.


10.  Why is Portia, Brutus’s wife, worried about Brutus? 

              He has been thinking too much about his plan for Caesar’s death


11.  How does she prove her strength to Brutus? 

              By telling him she will not tell any1 his secret thoughts.


Scene 2:

12.  Why does Calpurnia want Caesar to stay home? 

              She is afraid something will happen to Caesar.


13.  Describe Calpurnia’s dream. 

              Sad, depressing, horrifying.


14.  How does Decius interpret the interpret Calpurnia’s dream? 

              He says it was a misunderstanding.


15.  What arguments does Decius use to change Caesar’s mind about going to the Capitol? 

              The dream and the crown.


Scene 3:

16.  What does Artemidorus plan to do? 

              He plans on protecting Caesar best he can.

Scene 4:

17.  Why is Portia so nervous? 

              She is worried for Brutus her husband.


18.  What does Portia want Lucius to do? 

              She wants him to tell her what’s happening with Caesar at the Capitol.


19. What does the soothsayer tell Portia? 

              That Caesar may be harmed today.

caesar act 3_JackBrunson

Name Jack Brunson


Block 1


Julius Caesar: Act III Reading and Study Guide


I. VOCABULARY: Be able to define the following words and understand them when they appear in

      The play.

              Vouchsafe (vouch-sf) to grant or give, as by favor, graciousness, or condescension

              Conspiracy (kn-spîr-s) an evil, unlawful, treacherous, or surreptitious plan formulated in secret by two or more persons


              Foe a person who feels enmity, hatred, or malice toward another; enemy


II. LITERARY TERMS: Be able to define each term and apply each term to the play.


              Climax Turning point in the plot of a story.

                            What is the climax of this play? The death of Caesar is the turning point in the story.



              Allusion: a passing or casual reference; an incidental mention of something, either directly or by implication

                            Example: an allusion to Shakespeare.


              Imagery the formation of mental images, figures, or likenesses of things, or of such images collectively


Verbal expressed in spoken words; oral rather than written


Irony a technique of indicating, as through character or plot development, an intention or attitude opposite to that which is actually or ostensibly stated.




III. Questions: answer the following questions.


Scene 1:

1.  What reason does Caesar give for not reading Artemidorus’s letter? 

              He has no respect for the servant.


2.  What Roles do the following characters play in the conspiracy?

              Trebonius: Trebonius is the one who lures Antony away before they murder Caesar.             


              Metellus Cimber: Mettelus Cimber made a fake appeal to Caesar to let his banished brother into the city again. He did this to allow Caesar's murderers to close in without Caesar becoming worried. He used the famed lines to lure him in, "Is there no voice more worthy than my own, To sound more sweetly in great Caesar's ear For the repealing of my banish'd brother?"


              Casca: Casca is the one who was supposed to stab Caesar in the heart by sneaking up behind him. While the others were distracting him. But Casca gets nervous and misses the heart and stabs the shoulder.


3.  What is Caesar’s opinion of himself? 

              Caesar felt that he was unbreakable and powerful. He had the people falling for him and thought he could do anything as he desired.


4.  What does “Et tu, Brute?” mean?  How do these words relate to the theme of friendship in the play?

              It means u too Brutus. Caesar feels betrayed by Brutus.


5.  Where does Caesar’s dead body lie?  How is this ironic?

              He was lying in front of the statue of a man he defeated in battle.

              It's ironic because he's now dying in front of a man he's killed.


6.  What does Brutus tell the conspirators to do after killing Caesar? 

              Brutus tells them to bathe their hands in Caesar's blood, then walk to the

Marketplace with their bloodied swords to proclaim peace, freedom, and liberty.


7.  What promise does Brutus tell the servant to relay to Antony? 

              if he wishes to come here, we will explain ourselves and leave him unharmed.


8.  What does Antony say about the possibility of being killed by the conspirators? 

              that if it came down to that, dont worry about killing me, ill do it myself.


9.  After being assured he is in no danger, what favor does Antony ask of the conspirators?

              The favor that Antony asks of the conspirators is to speak at Caesar's funeral. They eventually let him, however Brutus gives him guidelines/restrictions that he must agree too or else he will not be allowed to speak at the funeral.


10.  What does Cassius think about granting Antony this favor? 

              Cassius does not trust Antony


11.  What restrictions does Brutus set? 

Brutus sets these rules for Antony to abide by;

1. that Antony will not blame Brutus and the conspirators
" You shall not in your funeral speech blame us"

2. to speak only of the good things Antony can think of about Caesar "speak all good you can devise of Caesar"

3. ensure that he [Antony] informs the plebeians/people that he is only speaking at Caesar's funeral because he was given permission to, by Brutus and co.
"And say you do it by our permission"

4. that Antony will speak in the same pulpit where Brutus is going to speak
"and you shall speak in the same pulpit whereto I am going"

If Antony does not agree, then he "shall not have any hand at all about his [Caesar's] funeral"


12.  Summarize Antony’s main points in his speech to Caesar’s body? 



13.  Who is coming to Rome to meet with Antony?



Scene 2:

14.  According to Brutus’s speech to the commoners, what reasons does he give for Caesar’s death? 

              that he had become to powerful, and was selfish.


15.  What is the mood of the crowd as Brutus finishes his speech? 

              the mood is that the crowd has anger.


16.  What does Brutus offer at the end of his speech? 



17.  List three points of Antony’s speech that work to persuade the crowd to turn on the conspirators.

Ø                  Caesar's will

Ø                  He refused the crown 3 times.



18.  What reason does Antony give for why he cannot read Caesar’s will? 

              Antony say's reading the will of Caesar to the people will inflame them and make them mad.


19.  What has Caesar bequeathed the Romans in his will?

              He left them land and money.


20.  How does the crowd react to Antony’s speech?

              they take his side and see the conspirators as murderers. they feel pity for Casear


Scene 3:

21.  What happens to Cinna the Poet?  Why?



Monday, October 26, 2009

Vocabulary list 3

21. Dubious - doubtful

22. Ebullience - High spirits

23. Ferocity - Savage ferceness

24. Flourished - to thrive

25. Foliage - leaves

26. Furtive - surreptitously or by stealth

27. grave - a place for the dead to lay rest

28. Impervious - not pentrable

29. Incantation - the chanting of words purporting to have magical powers

30. Inscrutable - not easily understood
Vocabulary List 2

11. Credulously - ready to believe specialy with proof

12. Cynically - distrusting the motives of others

13. declivities - downward slope; as of ground

14. Decorous - chracterized by dignified propety in conduct

15. Demur - to make objection

16. Derisive - chracterised by expressing

17. Diffidently - lacking confidence

18. Discursive - proceeding by resoning or argument rather

19. Disentangled - to free or become free from entangledment

20. Disinclination - the absence of imagination

Monday, October 19, 2009

Lord of the Flies.doc

Lord of the Flies- Blog Response:

Who Should Survive


A severe storm has cripples a small ship, the S.S. Guppy, and the only remaining life boat has room for only 5 people. You have no hope of reaching civilization, but there’s a fairly good chance that you can make it to one of many small, uncharted, and unpopulated islands in the area. You may have to remain on such an island for years. Your task is to choose which 5 people should allowed on the lifeboat, and hence, and allowed to survive. Explain why you have chosen the 5.

My Blog Response

The 5 I believe who should survive are: Mr. Blake, Mary Evans, Bobby, Mrs. Clark, & Dr. Dane. These 5 seem skilled enough to survive on an unpopulated island. I picked Mr. Blake because he has much experience in construction, so he could possibly build every1 a hut to live in. I choose Mr. Dane because he is very good at jogging, so I figured he could scout the island and make a map of it to help everyone find their way around it. I picked Mary cause of her artistic skills, she could make something on the beach to signal air planes and other thing that fly by. I picked bobby cause of his Boy Scout skills. He has been put in simulations like these and should know what to do. I choose Mrs. Clark due to her electronic skills. She could make items to help them survive on the island. She just might be able to make a radio from the items that drift to the island, as well as with the items they find already on the island. I have chosen these 5 based on their skills and what they know. I’m not sure if they will survive but I’m sure that they are the most skilled.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Chapter Three Q's

1. The members of David's family are introduced. Briefly identify them.

There is a grandma, mother, & father. The grandma is a mother inlaw to Davids mom she wan taken in even though her son left her duaghter in law. the mom is a young looking elder that works for a living trying to make money for the family. and the father is the one who left the family.

2. Why does david think he needs a good education.

David thinks he needs a good education so he could get a good job and support his family.

3. Find the meaphor in this chapter that helps illustate the emptiness of david's life.

The metaphor made about the living room is the one that helps.

4. Support or refute the following statement:
David goes along with Mark becuase he dilikes Mr. Griffin and needs a better English grade to get into law school.
I disagree with this statement, David didn't go along with the idea becuase of his low English grade. He went slong with the idea becuase Mark made it sound fun and like a harmless prank.