Monday, October 26, 2009

Vocabulary list 3

21. Dubious - doubtful

22. Ebullience - High spirits

23. Ferocity - Savage ferceness

24. Flourished - to thrive

25. Foliage - leaves

26. Furtive - surreptitously or by stealth

27. grave - a place for the dead to lay rest

28. Impervious - not pentrable

29. Incantation - the chanting of words purporting to have magical powers

30. Inscrutable - not easily understood
Vocabulary List 2

11. Credulously - ready to believe specialy with proof

12. Cynically - distrusting the motives of others

13. declivities - downward slope; as of ground

14. Decorous - chracterized by dignified propety in conduct

15. Demur - to make objection

16. Derisive - chracterised by expressing

17. Diffidently - lacking confidence

18. Discursive - proceeding by resoning or argument rather

19. Disentangled - to free or become free from entangledment

20. Disinclination - the absence of imagination

Monday, October 19, 2009

Lord of the Flies.doc

Lord of the Flies- Blog Response:

Who Should Survive


A severe storm has cripples a small ship, the S.S. Guppy, and the only remaining life boat has room for only 5 people. You have no hope of reaching civilization, but there’s a fairly good chance that you can make it to one of many small, uncharted, and unpopulated islands in the area. You may have to remain on such an island for years. Your task is to choose which 5 people should allowed on the lifeboat, and hence, and allowed to survive. Explain why you have chosen the 5.

My Blog Response

The 5 I believe who should survive are: Mr. Blake, Mary Evans, Bobby, Mrs. Clark, & Dr. Dane. These 5 seem skilled enough to survive on an unpopulated island. I picked Mr. Blake because he has much experience in construction, so he could possibly build every1 a hut to live in. I choose Mr. Dane because he is very good at jogging, so I figured he could scout the island and make a map of it to help everyone find their way around it. I picked Mary cause of her artistic skills, she could make something on the beach to signal air planes and other thing that fly by. I picked bobby cause of his Boy Scout skills. He has been put in simulations like these and should know what to do. I choose Mrs. Clark due to her electronic skills. She could make items to help them survive on the island. She just might be able to make a radio from the items that drift to the island, as well as with the items they find already on the island. I have chosen these 5 based on their skills and what they know. I’m not sure if they will survive but I’m sure that they are the most skilled.